Juan Javier Negri
Juan Javier Negri is a founding member of the firm (1990). He specializes in corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions, and general corporate law. As an avid art collector, he now devotes part of his time to art law.
He has acted as Adjunct Professor of Commercial Law (1977-1992) and Professor of Law at the Graduate Course on Banking Law of the Argentine Catholic University (1987). He also was Associate Professor of Banking Institutions at the Graduate School of Economy and Business Administration, (1986-1993); Guest Lecturer on Foreign Trade and Exchange Control Laws at the Graduate Course on Legal Aspects of Financial Activities, Escuela de Abogacía de Buenos Aires (1990); Professor, Commercial Law Continuing Education, (Legal Aspects of Capital Markets Law) School of Law, University of Buenos Aires (1992). Professor, Corporate Conflicts, Austral University, since 1993. He also currently teaches Mergers and Acquisitions, at the Universidad di Tella Law School (Buenos Aires) and Universidad Siglo XXI (Córdoba) 2000. He was Lecturer on Latin American Law at the University of Illinois, (1979). He also taught Legal Aspects of International Financing at the Center of Comparative Studies, Buenos Aires, (1981); at the Bank of Boston Foundation’s School of Export Trade (1987-1990); at the Mar del Plata Stock Exchange (1988); at the Córdoba Seminar on Risk Investments (1988); Santa Cruz (Bolivia) Bar Association, 1989; Center for Macroeconomic Studies (CEMA), Buenos Aires. He is a Member of the Board of Advisors, Universidad Torcuato di Tella Law School. He was a Speaker on “Corporate Governance” as representative of the Instituto Argentino para el Gobierno de las Organizaciones, to discuss the White Paper on Corporate Governance, organized by the OECD in Cartagena, Colombia, May 2004.
Javier was a contributor to “Product Liability: a Manual on Practice-Argentina,” Oceana Publications, New York, 1981; “Business Operations in Argentina,” Washington, D.C., 1988, and has authored “Restructuring of Public Banks: A Proposal for Change” (1990) which won him the Argentine Banks’ Association 1990 Award. He also received the “Argentine Legal Profession Award” granted by the Argentine Press Association and Argentine Federation of Bar Associations (1990). He is also author of various law review articles on corporate mergers, joint ventures, voting arrangements, exchange controls and other corporate matters, and was a former columnist of the Buenos Aires daily “La Prensa”. He has contributed with several editorial notes to “La Nación”, a leading Argentine newspaper.
Other publications include several books and articles about Argentine law in general and corporate and banking law both in Argentina and abroad, such as “Bank Crisis in Argentina” (International Financial Law Review IV:6, 1985); “Unincorporated Joint Ventures in the Argentine Companies Law” (New York Institute of Finance, 1992); “Las Ofertas Públicas de Adquisición en el Derecho Argentino” (El Derecho, July 2002); “Reporting Requirements for Banks” (Latin America Law and Business Report, September 2004); “The Argentine Banking System” in Doing Business in Argentina (American Bar Association, Section of International Law and Practice, 2000); “Validity and Enforcement of Shareholders’ Agreements and Other Voting Arrangements Under Argentine Law” (International Bar Association, Cancún, Mexico, October 2001); “Argentine Decrees Halt Reorganization and Bankruptcy of Public Utilities” (Latin American Law & Business Report and Latin American Finance & Capital Markets, U.S.A., 2002); “Collecting Debt in Argentina: Worth the Effort?” (Latin American Law and Business Report, Latin American Finance & Capital Markets and International Finance and Treasury, 2002); “Security Finance 2005” (contributor of the Argentine chapter, Law Business Research). He has recently published articles about the legal problems of art in the daily newspaper Página/12 and in Noticias magazine.
He has been identified as a Leading Lawyer in Corporate Governance, by The International Who’s Who Legal, London (2003-2006), leading Argentine lawyer in Corporate Governance, by The Law Business Research, London (2004). He was elected as one of the three best Argentine lawyers in the field of Corporate Law and Mergers & Acquisitions by Practical Law Company, London (2006); he was elected as one of the best Argentine lawyers in the field of Capital Markets by Who’s Who Legal, London (2006); Chambers & Partners ranked him as one of the best Argentine lawyers in the field of Mergers & Acquisitions and Corporate Law, London (2006); he was elected as a leader in the field of Mergers & Acquisitions by The International Who’s Who Legal, London (2007); he was selected as one of the best Argentine lawyers in the Banking field by The Banking Expert Guide, London (2007); he was elected as one of the three best Argentine lawyers in Corporate Governance by Law Business Research Ltd., London (2007). Practical Law Company ranked him as one of the best Argentine lawyers in the field of Mergers & Acquisitions (2008). He was elected as a leader in Mergers & Acquisitions by The International Who’s Who Legal, London (2008). Chambers Latin America ranked him as one of the best Argentine lawyers in Mergers & Acquisitions (2008). He was elected as a leader in Corporate Governance by The International Who’s Who Legal, London (2009). He was elected as a leader in Mergers & Acquisitions by The International Who’s Who Legal, London (2009). He was elected as a leader in Corporate Governance by The International Who’s Who Legal, London (2010). He was elected as a leader in Mergers & Acquisitions and Business Lawyers by The International Who’s Who Legal, London (2010). Euromoney ranked him as one of the best world lawyers in the field of Emerging Markets, London (2010). He was elected by The World’s Leading Banking Lawyers, London, as one of the best Argentine lawyers in the field of Banking (2011). He was elected by Finance Monthly Law Awards, London, as one of the best Argentine lawyers in Mergers & Acquisitions (2011). He was elected as leader in Mergers & Acquisitions by The International Who’s Who Legal, London (2011). World Finance Legal Awards ranked him as one of the best lawyers of Argentina in 2011. The International Who’s Who Legal, London, selected him as one of the best Argentine lawyers in the field of Corporate Governance (2011).
Javier has also been a consultant for The World Bank (1993), and a trustee and Member of the Board of Governors of the Northlands School, 2000-. He is a member of the Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires (where he sat at the Board of Directors, from 1989 to 1991 and was its Treasurer from 1990 to 1992); of the Committee of Bank Lawyers of the Argentine Republic (where he was Member of the Board of Directors, from 1987 to 1991).
Javier is also a member of the International Bar Association (of which he was Deputy Secretary General for America-South, 1992-1998 and is member of several standing committees); the American Society of International Law; the Argentine Association of Comparative Law; the Institute of Legislative Studies (Member of the Board, Commercial Law Section, 1987-1988); the Associazione Giuristi di Lingua Italiana, Milano; the Argentine-Swiss Chamber of Commerce (Board Member, 1998-2000); PENT Foundation -Fundación para la integración de la Argentina en el mundo- (Member, Board of Directors, 2002-). He is also Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Fundación Sur since 2003; Treasurer Pro-tem of the Board of Trustees of Fundación Konex, since 2004, and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of PlaNet Finance until 2013.
Abogado, University of Buenos Aires (1975); Master in Comparative law, University of Illinois College of Law (1978).
Practice areas
Domestic and International Banking; Financial Transactions; Privatization; International Mergers and Acquisitions. Art Law
English, Italian and French
Contact information